- What do your parents/children (delete as applicable) think of your job?
My parents either were or are comedians. I’m like a racehorse bred for the purpose. It makes me think about that and then freak out about determinism quite a lot.
- What’s the worst thing about being a comedian
Hiding your professional jealously at people who are doing better than you.
- I think you are very good at what you do (that’s why I’m asking these questions). What do you think of you?
I am my favourite comedian (not the best, that’s different). Although it sounds crap to say, I have to think that to have the self-belief to carry on. I write shows with exactly what I would want to see in a show. Every comedian should be their own personal favourite.
- How much do you earn and how much would you like to earn?
Usually a bit over a grand a month. Maybe a grand and a half. I’d like to earn enough to buy a house and eat at mid-level burger restaurants too regularly. For me there isn’t too much difference between earning 80K a year and 600k a year. If I was going to be rich I’d only really want to be a billionaire, and that’s only so I could buy Liverpool FC.
- How important is luck in terms of career success – have you had lucky breaks?
My dad’s best mate is Harry Hill. He got me a lot of gigs at Monkey Business when I first started out. It’s not a lucky break but it certainly helped. Thanks Harry, thanks Martin. Also my girlfriend is like a despot over my creativity. She is constantly pushing me and encouraging me to work harder. She is a very lucky break.
- Alan Davies has said that comedians fall into two categories - golfers and self-harmers. The former just get on with life, the latter are tortured artists. Which are you – or do you think you fit into a third category?
I am loathe to fit in a binary provided by Alan Davies so I think I choose a third category. I think I’m probably the sort of loser who would be self-harming on the golf course for attention. Though nowadays I just get on with it. Golf is crap though.