Last week when the end of the year round-ups were being bandied around Reece Shearsmith bemoaned the fact that Inside No 9 was being forgotten because it went out way back at the start of the year. Will Steve Delaney, the creator of glorious comedy dimwit and ham actor Count Arthur Strong, be similarly bypassed at the end of 2015? I sincerely hope not.
The BBC is obviously optimistic about this series, having promoted it from BBC2 to BBC1. I suspect that they are hoping it might go some way towards filling a Miranda-shaped hole, although despite it not being remotely smutty they have put it into the post-watershed slot that worked for Mrs Browns Boys. It is definitely more adult and pop-culture literate than Miranda though, with its references to Martin Amis and the movies of Tom Hanks in episode one, for example. But it also has a broad, mainstream appeal, tapping into the silliness of Harry Hill. Father Ted's Graham Linehan writes this with Strong's creator Steve Delaney and has directed this episode and the playful, feelgood, almost childlike fun of Father Ted also seeps into narrative at times.
The casting, of course, is great too. It is a real coup to get proper straight actor Rory Kinnear back as young writer Michael, Arthur’s straight foil and, in some ways, surrogate son. Which brings us neatly to the plot of the first episode. Without giving too much away for those who plan to catch it on iPlayer there is a mix-up over book manuscripts and Michael, Arthur and his ridiculously oddball chums have to switch copies. “An exciting heist is the only sensible solution,” says our eccentric star. Yes, of course it is...
Naturally things don’t go exactly to plan in a plot that has faint echoes of the Seinfeld episode when an answerphone tape - remember those? – has to be retrieved before it is heard. The Count’s attempts at subterfuge go about as well as his deluded attempts at stage success. Twists, turns, sight gags and comic confusion follow in quick, inspired succession. But don't take my word for it, just watch it. If you haven’t joined the Count’s fan club yet, this episode should win you over.
Count Arthur Strong, Tuesdays, BBC1, 10.35pm,