A ridiculous comedy character standing for election? No, not Al Murray’s Pub Landlord, but Steve Delaney’s Count Arthur Strong, who this week is so annoyed about the street noise waking him up in the night he decides to seize the reins of power so that he can do something about it himself.
I didn’t review last week’s flying lesson episode and it turned out to be one of the funniest thirty minutes in ages. I was hoping that Count Arthur would catch on in a big way this time round and I think the moment when he was up in a plane and thought the fellow learner was his teacher might have been the moment that, pardon the pun, Arthur really took off.
The near-perfect second episode was an impossible act to follow and while tonight’s instalment doesn’t quite reach those dizzying heights of comic confusion there are still some deliciously daft moments. Long-suffering pedant Michael (Rory Kinnear) gets increasingly irate at the badly spelt campaign slogans, while Strong’s moment of genius is in the cafe when he confronts his opposing candidate JP Cooling, who borrows all the worst aspects of Tony Blair and Nigel Farage.
Of course Arthur’s attempts to “woo the expectorate” by standing on a “bi-parmesan platform” don’t go quite as planned, but things don't go pear-shaped in the way we would expect either. As I said, this is not as exceptional as last week’s episode, but it is still gloriously funny. What with this and Catastrophe over on C4 we may have already seen two of the best sitcoms of the year and we have barely taken the Christmas tinsel down.
Count Arthur Strong, Tuesdays, BBC1, 10.35pm.