Dom Joly is planning to return to Channel Four to make more instalments of his breakthrough show Trigger Happy TV. Speaking to promote his new autobiography Joly shied away from describing the landmark hit series as a prank show and said that he hoped that the new episodes would be more "filmic".
Joly's series first went out between 2000 and 2003 and made Joly a major star, famous for carrying a giant mobile and shouting "I'm on the phone" at inopportune moments.
His career since C4, however, did not run so smoothly. As the book recounts, he landed a BBC deal but never improved on his earlier success and he recalled in an interview on BBC London that he knew his days were numbered when he turned up at TV Centre and his pass no longer worked. He recalled how he had to use a guest pass to get in to clear his desk.
Joly also said in the interview that he has recently bought a balloon and explained that he would like to fly over all fifty states of America: "Stephen Fry did it, but I think he cheated," he chuckled.
Buy Joly's autobiography Here Comes The Clown: A Stumble Through Show Business here.