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Edinburgh Preview: Phil Kay

Phil Kay

Phil Kay is a comedy legend. Period. Do I really need to say more? The madcap Scot has always done things his own way, occasionally rubbing shoulders with the mainstream but never compromising. He was nominated for a Perrier Award way back in 1993 and landed his own Channel 4 series. Recently Nick Helm appeared naked on his BBC3 show but his privates were pixilated. Kay did the same thing on his show but was fully exposed. You never really know what he is going to do next. I’ve seen him have awful gigs but even those are eventful. He also did a memorable gig in Kilkenny where he gave his audience a guided tour of the city on a bus, mowing people’s lawns along the way. In recent years he has slightly mellowed and become more of a troubadour, mixing the improvised lunacy with storytelling. I can’t really predict what Kay is going to do at these gigs. All I can do is say go. You won’t regret it and even if it is a catastrophe you won’t forget it. 

Phil Kay is appearing at the opening night of the Blundabus in Croydon this evening with Steve Furst, info here, and at Heroes @ Bob's Blundabus in Edinburgh from Aug 13 - 23, info here.


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