Transcript of an outtake from a recording of an episode of Series 8 of the Museum of Curiosity:
JOHN LLOYD: You stood for the – what was it? – the National Health Action Party-
RUFUS HOUND: Yeah. For the –
BOTH: The European elections.
RUFUS: What I basically did was I said I was running – then was often too busy to go and do the interview, and they could talk to oncologists and GPs instead, who truly know that the NHS is being stolen from you. The rich got richer – this will all be cut out – but –
audience laughter
RUFUS: … in the age of austerity, the people with the most doubled their wealth. The money didn’t disappear, it was taken. Your schools, your hospitals… It’s gone. They’ve nicked it. There were tens of thousands of people marching through the streets of London yesterday demanding it back. And what is it? You get Westminster Council is going: “Ah, let the grown-ups run the country.” It’s a fucking-
audience begins applause
RUFUS: No no no! Don’t clap that….
audience laughter
RUFUS :… Be as angry as you can be. I am angry all the time, and it awful. My wife asked me to stop tonight, because I’m just fucking so sad and angry. It’s a disgrace! We are better, but we’re fucking chimpanzees. And we’re scared, and we think that there’s a “them” and its migrants, and its “them” and they are going to come and take it and we need less human rights and we need less and less. But there’s a fucking cabal at the top who’ve nicked it. Not even like “conspiracy theory” nicked it, not like you can’t see it. It’s in the fucking bank balances. And I just sound like a lunatic…
slight audience laughter
RUFUS: … I know that. I do know that. I know you’re looking at the moustache and going “there’s someone in the middle of a crisis”.
RUFUS: …and you are right...
Audience laughter
RUFUS: … but it is happening.
Listen to the audio here: