7. What’s the worst thing about being a comedian?
Probably the solitary nature of the job. I'm single and I live alone so I have far too much time to dwell; which I do; a lot.
8. I think you are very good at what you do (that’s why I’m asking these questions). What do you think of you?
I think a lot of negative things about myself but as a comedian I think I'm great although I could be a lot better. I think I'm really funny which is handy as I also think I'm very lazy but I also think I'm far too negative so maybe I'm not so lazy after all? My dad says I think too much, he's probably right.
10. How important is luck in terms of career success – have you had lucky breaks?
I think chance plays a part but that's different from luck. Luck is all about outlook and attitude. If you're positive then you tend to notice the good stuff and not dwell on the bad and you're more inclined to be pro active and create your own luck. I'm trying to be more positive.
11. Alan Davies has said that comedians fall into two categories - golfers and self-harmers. The former just get on with life, the latter are tortured artists. Which are you – or do you think you fit into a third category?
Definitely a self harmer. I made the mistake when I was young of romanticising the idea of the tortured artist. Hunched over a typewriter, white vest, cigarette, train going by inches from the cracked sash window. Unfortunately my dream came true and it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. I've now become a socially retarded loner who can't find love because he's still a child, a lost boy, whose playmates have all grown up. I overthink everything to the point of never doing anything. Having said all that, I'm hopeful, I love being alive and when I'm on stage I live my dreams.....and I like golf too.
My favourite people are mostly fictional. Bugs Bunny, Batman, Bender but my favourite person ever is probably Peter Pan, the joy of youth tempered by the sorrow of loneliness. I've always fancied being Peter Pan because who doesn't want to be a kid forever!!!
13. Do you keep your drawers tidy and if not why not?