Comedians Zoe Coombs Marr and Rhys Nicholson are to get married in Australia on Friday.
They both have same sex partners but have decided to get engaged and then marry on Friday night to underline their objection to Australian laws which do not allow same sex marriage.
Various other unnamed comedians will also be taking part in the event. The duo say that they had the idea last August when they were performing in Edinburgh.
Both comedians are also nominated for Australia's most prestigious comedy prize, The Barry Award, for their separate solo shows at the current Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
In a report in the Herald Sun Coombs Marr is quoted as saying “it’s great that Rhys and I both got nominated, otherwise it might have been a little awkward at the wedding,”
The wedding will take place at the Festival Club at Max Watt’s. Tickets are $25 and money raised will go to the organisiation Minus18, which supports LGBTI youth.
A celebrant will perform the ceremony, the pair will exchange vows and “someone will be wearing a dress”.