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TV Review, Mum, BBC2

I know the second episode went out a few days ago but I just wanted to flag up this new BBC2 sitcom again. It is so subtle and unassuming it risks getting lost between loads of other noisier, more attention-grabbing shows. This is a beautiful little thing following a year in the life of a middle-aged widow, written by Stefan Golaszewski, who previously wrote Him & Her.

Doesn’t sound very sexy does it, but Lesley Manville delivers a note perfect comi-tragic performance as Cathy, who is quietly grieving following the death of her husband but also keeping it together for the sake of the family, bringing normality to a life-changing situation.

In episode two it is Valentine’s Day and there is a family gathering at Cathy’s house. The dialogue shuttles between the naturalistic and the outrageous. Thoughtless-but-nice Kelly (Lisa McGrillis) who is the girlfriend of Cathy’s son Jason (Sam Swainsbury) is just one of the numerous stand out characters here. I’m not sure if anyone as inappropriate as Kelly could exist, but somehow Golaszewski’s script works perfectly. Though I think I did scream when she chucked an open packet of digestive biscuits on Cathy’s bed and left her to sweep up the crumbs.

The snobby sister-in-law and long-suffering husband are also fun to watch, while Peter Mullan glides in and out as the possible love interest, saying little but giving away a lot with a look. I'll take a leaf out of his book and I won’t give too much away here though. If you haven’t seen Mum catch the two episodes so far on iPlayer and make an appointment to view from this Friday. Don’t say I didn’t tip you off.

Mum, Fridays, BBC2, 10pm. Watch it on iPlayer here.



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