One of the most memorable shows in Edinburgh last summer was Beth Vyse’s As Funny As Cancer. Or maybe that should be mammarable. The show was about Vyse’s experience of breast cancer. Ho hum, you might mutter under your breath, not another me me me show about a comedian and their illness. But this one was different. It mixed Victoria Wood/Alan Bennett-style storytelling with Vic & Bob-style surrealism. The opening involved a Dolly Parton impression and ping pong balls while later on an audience member had to don an oversized wig to play a doctor giving their diagnosis. There’s also a subplot about Vyse’s boyfriend, who just happened to be called Michael Jackson. The only problem with last year’s show was that it was too short. Vyse has cracked that one this year by bringing back a slightly enlarged full hour version. It’s a very unusual show. But more importantly, it’s a very funny show.
Beth Vyse is at the Gilded Balloon from Aug 4 - 28, tickets here.