I don’t really know journalist Viv Groskop but I do know her writing. It is sharp, funny and well-observed. In recent years she has been developing another string to her bow, adding stand-up comedy to her CV. In fact she combined both areas in her enjoyable book about doing 100 gigs in 100 days. Vic Groskop plays the Edinburgh Fringe 2017. Tickets here.
What is the last thing you do before you go onstage (apart from check your flies and/or check your knickers aren't sticking out of your skirt and check for spinach between your teeth)?
I love the gender equality disclaimer in this question, even though hardly any women wear skirts nowadays. Well done! I used to have an embarrassing ritual that was taught to me by a RADA tutor where you close your eyes, draw a circle in front of you with a massive imaginary massive pencil, step into the circle and feel great calm or confidence or power or whatever. I would do it religiously as long as I was alone. It’s not the sort of thing you can do in a dressing room with other people. You would look like a dick. Then one day I forgot and realised it made no difference whatsoever.
What irritates you?
Everything and nothing. I’m a weird combination of totally zen and psychopath. I genuinely despise the rise of the avocado on all menus. But not as much as I hate people who defend this phenomenon or, worse, make menu choices that reinforce it.
What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
Be heavily pregnant and wait until I was 21 days overdue. To do this is, technically, illegal. Usually you have to let them loose on you after 14 days. I wouldn’t let them induce me until they said, “Ok, you’re outside the hospital’s jurisdiction now.” That sounded scary. The baby was born within a very eventful forty minutes during which I screamed “I want a C-section” constantly. I still think they got the dates wrong.
What is the most stupid thing you have ever done?
There are a lot. But devise a show (“Be More Margo”) dedicated to 1970s sitcom The Good Life which unintentionally attracts an audience who voted Leave and who desperately want to return to the 1970s when the show is arguing the opposite of that point of view... That probably comes top.
What has surprised you the most during your career in comedy?
That once you get down to it, it’s really very similar to other jobs.
Interview continues here.