Stewart Lee is working on a new TV project inspired by Brexit.
In a major interview in The Times he explains that following the dropping of his Comedy Vehicle by the BBC he had been planning to earn the bulk of his money in the future by touring. But then he realised that as he aged the live work would become more and more demanding and this summer he had a bit of “a health scare . . . a high blood pressure thing”.
He decided that he needed to do something else to generate a further income stream. In September he wrote a 90-page script in three days and is now working on it with production company Two Brothers, who made The Missing for the BBC. He says that part of the joke is that it is a left-wing take on events. “It’s like a sort of Comic Strip Presents . . . thing.”
Elsewhere in the interview with Dominic Maxwell he also talks about the pressures of juggling childcare with his wife Bridget Christie and how feeling like an older member of the comedy community has put him off doing circuit gigs to try out his new material: "I was backstage and it feels like the teacher has come into the common room and is making everyone uncomfortable.”
Read the full interview here. (behind a paywall I'm afraid)