Broadcaster Iain Lee has revealed that he cheated when he appeared on a celebrity edition of The Weakest Link.
Writing on his website he recalled how in 2004 he appeared on a special old school v new school comedians' edition of the quiz. When it got down to Lee, Eddie Large and Jim Bowen Lee had decided to write down Bowen's name as the weakest link, hoping that the ex-teacher would be eliminated. But after he saw that Eddie Large was about to nominate him he decided to change his nomination from Bowen to Large so that Large would be knocked out if Bowen voted for Large (which he did).
The Talk Radio DJ writes: "I unintentionally glanced over to Eddie Large who was stood next to me...he was writing my name down! The massive shit!...I was so close to winning...so, looking as nonchalant as possible when cheating on national TV, I rubbed out Bowen’s name and replaced it with Judas, spelt L-A-R-G-E."
Lee is writing a book about his life and is currently looking for publishers. Rather than a simple autobiography each chapter is about a TV programme he was involved in as it is twenty years since he first appeared on television in C4's 11 O'Clock Show. He has posted his chapter about his experience on The Weakest Link on his website (update 23/11 - it doesn't seem to be there now!)