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News: Line Up Announced For Musical Comedy Awards Final 2017

The full ten-act line-up has now been announced for this year's WeGotTickets Musical Comedy Awards. The final will take place at the Lyric Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue, on April 10. Tickets here.
There will also be a set from last year's winners Four Femmes on the Thames and the evening will be hosted by Tina T'urner Tea Lady.
As well as the main winner chosen by an industry panel the sponsors will present the Audience Favourite Award. There will also be a performance from the Best Newcomer.
Here is the line-up of those who have made it through the heats.
Friz Frizzle
Will Hislop
Katie Pritchard
Two Plus Ones
Rasputin's Lunchbox
Hurt & Anderson
Tom Taylor
Matt Hutson
Jamie D'Souza
Buy tickets here.

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