6. What do your children (delete as applicable) think of your job?
My children think it is pretty cool actually. I do topical videos with my daughter which have gone massively viral online so she enjoys the comedy world.
7. What’s the worst thing about being a comedian?
The weekly dilemma of paying more than you can afford for the comfort of a train journey or paying 3 quid for a 12 hour coach journey from hell.
8. I think you are very good at what you do (that’s why I’m asking these questions). What do you think of you?
I think I am okay but I know I can always get better. There are some comics I watch that just blow me away. The goal is always to get to that level.
9. How much do you earn and how much would you like to earn?
I earn enough to get a Megabus journey from hell. I'd like to earn enough to afford trains.
10. How important is luck in terms of career success – have you had lucky breaks?
I think the entire comedy world is split 3 ways. A third is luck, a third is confidence, a third is talent. If you have all three you will be a superstar.
11. Alan Davies has said that comedians fall into two categories - golfers and self-harmers. The former just get on with life, the latter are tortured artists. Which are you – or do you think you fit into a
third category?
I wouldn't say I am a tortured artist as I find that whole idea a wee bit pretentious. I would say I am grateful but miserable. Or Scottish.
12. Who is your favourite person ever and why – not including family or friends or other comedians?
My favourite person ever is probably Chief Martin Brody, Roy Scheider's character in Jaws. I am obsessed with everything about that film. Greatest thing ever created.
13. Do you keep your drawers tidy and if not why not? (please think long and hard about this question, it's to settle an argument with my girlfriend. The future of our relationship could depend on your response).
I have never kept my drawers tidy and I know, despite great intentions, I never will. The reason, I honestly can't be bothered.
Mark Nelson: Irreverence is at the Gilded Balloon Teviot from Aug 2 - 27. Tickets here.