American comedian Sam Morrison's speciality is finding hilarity in the awkward adventures of being a closeted gay man…who wants to have sex with your dad. Time Out NY called him 'endlessly charming'. His debut Edinburgh show Hello Daddy! is based on a lifetime of journal entries, knitting together stories of gaiety and heartbreak as he evolves from shy boy into the uncensored 24-year-old man he is today. "Hello Daddy! puts the "coming" into "coming of age" .
Sam Morrison’s debut Edinburgh Festival show ‘Hello Daddy!’ is at the Just The Tonic Marlin’s Wynd until 26th August at 5.25pm For tickets go to www.edfringe.com
1. What is the last thing you do before you go onstage (apart from check your flies and/or check your knickers aren't sticking out of your skirt and check for spinach between your teeth)?
In the literal moments before I step onstage, I like to talk with other people to keep me out of my own head. However, this is only if I am nearby somebody I like and am comfortable with.
In the minutes leading up to going on stage I like to remind myself to have fun with the audience. I stole this mental trick from Rory Scovel, but I remind myself that this is the most fun activity in the world, and I’m best when I’m just having fun with the audience.
If possible, 2 performers before me, I will step outside and walk around the block reciting the newest material that I will try out in a moment. I often write out loud in this time as well.
2. What irritates you?
People. I prefer dogs.
Specifically hyper-masculine men. Men that take every social interaction to subtle establish a sort of social dominance every chance they can. Makes me want to have sex with their closeted dad just to ruin their family.
3. What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
I did acid while semi-legally camping in a Ugandan National Safari. We were surrounded by hippos and crocodiles. We saw several terrifying snakes, hogs, different varieties of monkeys, etc… I should not have admitted this publicly. It was also the dumbest thing I’ve ever done.
4. What is the most stupid thing you have ever done?
Definitely doing acid while semi-legally camping in a Ugandan National Safari. If we’re not allowed to repeat answers, I’m going to go with the fact that I put the percent sign before the number up until about two weeks ago. It looked like this: %100. I’m a genius.
5. What has surprised you the most during your career in comedy?
There are so many untalented comedians who make a living out of this! It’s not necessarily a good living, but they monetized a niche market and pay all their bills. The overwhelming majority of comedians are so bad at the business side of this, that if you have any iota of talent and a knack for promotion and building relationships with the right people, you can be a comedian easier than you think.
Interview continues here.