The Balham Free Fringe returns to The Bedford pub for its fourth consecutive year, offering over 40 hours of free comedy, theatre and music across three stages in one weekend from June 20 - June 22.
Comedy fans will be able to see Edinburgh Fringe previews from performers including Phill Jupitus, Wil Hodgson, Lucy Porter, Stephen Carlin, Pippa Evans, Carey Marx, Tiernan Douieb, Chris Coltrane, Kate Smurthwaite, John-Luke Roberts, Joe Rowntree and many, many more.
Founder of PBH’s Free Fringe organisation, Peter Buckley-Hill, said: “The Free Fringe is now the biggest single organisation putting on shows at the Edinburgh Fringe. In 2013 we had 7905 performances of 465 shows on 50 stages in 38 venues over the 23 days of the Edinburgh Fringe, all free of charge to the public. Famous names play with us, as well as not-so-famous names. In Edinburgh, you can choose between following the stars of today or trying to spot the stars of tomorrow. Most comedians who have broken big in the last five years have played the Free Fringe at some point. And, of course, we don't only have Comedy; we have Cabaret, Spoken Word, Theatre, Music, Science and Rationalism and all sorts."
Buckley-Hill went on to sing the praises of this mini-Free Fringe. "London shouldn't be left out. If you can't make it to Edinburgh, come to Balham. Balham will still be in the UK next year as far as we know. And we'll be previewing as many of our Edinburgh shows as we can cram in to the Balham Free Fringe weekend.” Buckley-Hill recently announced that he would not be attending the Edinburgh Fringe this year. Read more about his decision here.
Full details of the Balham line-up can be found here.