I should say straight off that I haven't watched Celebrity Big Brother since it moved to Five. Somehow some of the magic had worn off since the early days when Jack Dee was one of the winners. But when I heard the line-up for the current series my interest was aroused. Not enough to watch it of course, but enough to think that another JD – Jim Davidson – might have a chance of winning.
Early in the run I looked online at the odds and he was 22-1. I thought that was worth a few quid. I don't bet except on the British Open so I completely forgot that I had a Paddy Power internet account opened in a moment of madness a couple of years ago. Then real life got in the way and by the time I got to the bookmakers Davidson's odds had come down to 7-4. I whacked £20 on anyway.
I still didn't bother to watch the programme, but I saw his odds get shorter and shorter and then of course last night he won. I finally cracked and watched the last few minutes when he was sitting on the sofa next to over-excitable runner-up Dappy.
So how did Davidson win? I'd have thought an erstwhile pop star or reality TV alumnus would have captured the public's imagination. A real comedian who has had a real career? How's that for a blow for real talent in an era of shortlived tabloid nobodies? But isn't Five something of a youth-orientated channel? How did this old bloke win? Surely the voters know about Davidson's past. He is generally regarded in my circle as a pretty un-lovable chap just because of his old comedy routines. Like Bernard Manning it doesn't matter how good his delivery is if you detest what you are hearing.
But I guess my friends and the comedy world are scrutinising Davidson more closely than Five's viewers. To them he is a bit of a personality, a bit of an elder statesman or cuddly comedy uncle and maybe, at the same time, a bit of a nonconformist rebel, which even I believe the best comedians should be. But did he do anything dramatic in the house to win viewers over? Did he save a puppy from drowning or something?
I'm not saying his did a Keyser Soze and pulled the wool over the eyes of the nation. Let's not forget that has been a primetime star, presenting Big Break and The Generation Game, so he presumably still has a bit of a following. I saw him live – as part of my job – about 15 years ago and he did sell out the Fairfield Halls. So he obviously has something that some of the general public like. I just can't see it myself and nor can most of the comedians I follow on Twitter and Facebook. I guess they come from a particular end of the comedy spectrum and are not a cross-section of the general public or that particular strand of the GP who watch CBB.
Still, I'm off to William Hill now to collect my winnings. I have to say I do feel depressed about the whole thing. And a bit dirty. Though maybe not as dirty as I might have felt if I'd put the bet on when he was 22-1. If anyone wants to suggest a charity I should give my winnings to please let me know.