
End Of The Road Festival Comedy And Literature Guests Announced

End Of The Road is known as a melting pot for the very best in alternative music, but it is also an Eden of the arts generally, and is cementing that reputation with the announcement of its Comedy and Literature lineup. 


Sky Announces Stand Up Specials For Stewart Lee And More

Stewart lee's recent stand-up show Basic Lee is to be broadcast by Sky.

It is one of a number of stand-up shows confirmed by the broadcaster today.

The full list is as follows:


New Show And Tour For Stewart Lee

Stewart Lee is heading out on a new tour. In this brand new show, Lee shares his stage with a tough-talking werewolf comedian from the dark forests of North America who hates humanity. The Man-Wulf lays down a ferocious comedy challenge to the culturally irrelevant and physically enfeebled Lee. Can the beast inside us all be silenced with the silver bullet of Lee's unprecedentedly critically acclaimed style of stand-up?


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