
David Mitchell returns as aspiring playwright/superstar William Shakespeare in Ben Elton's return-to-form sitcom. I say return-to-form with a couple pf caveats. Firstly, it's way, way better than his... more
Twonkey is a musical comic with an operatic imagination. Nothing limits his determination to tell this sweeping trans European tale with a James Bond plot involving missing diamonds, attempted murder... more
Garrett Millerick is a big bear of a man who you would think could make a good living out of being a professional cynic. From the moment he squeezes onto the stage he is in a controlled rage, despite... more
Fin Taylor has built up a reputation in the last few years for saying the unsayable but somehow getting away with it. Maybe because he's clever. Maybe because he's white, male and middle class. Or... more
Now in its 31st year, So You Think You're Funny has an excellent track record at producing comedy stars. Previous winners include Maisie Adam, Ivo Graham, Tom Allen, Miles Jupp, Rob Rouse, Peter... more
It’s always fun to go and see a comic on the day they’ve been nominated in the Edinburgh Comedy Awards.There’s always a bit of extra excitement in the room, a clutch of industry faces at the back, a... more
Lucy Pearman picked up an Edinburgh Comedy Award Best Newcomer nomination last year with the solo vegetable-based historical comedy Maid of Cabbage. Her latest show also has an edible theme. In Fruit... more
Is social media killing live comedy? Obviously not but it makes a good opening line. However, maybe it is changing it ever so slightly. I've seen a number of shows in Edinburgh this summer where... more
There is some excellent writing and some pitch perfect performances in this tight, hilarious hour of sketch comedy, which is currently packing them in at a lunchtime spot at the Gilded Balloon.Just... more
It may come as a suprise to some people to realise how outspoken, frank and funny Indian women can be.Having spent a bit of time in Delhi, where Sindhu Vee was born, I’m more familiar than most with... more
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