
If you want to write a funny play why not write one that features three real-life comedy greats delivering some of their classic lines? It may not be the case but that feels like part of the thinking... more
Review: Jordan Brookes: Fontanelle – Definitely A Musical, Soho Theatre
I sneaked a peek at a couple of reviews of Jordan Brookes' latest show last night and could not believe what I was reading. It seems that some critics didn't quite appreciate what the 2019 Edinburgh... more
TV Review, Am I Being Unreasonable?, Series Two, Episode Three, BBC One
This second series of Am I Being Unreasonable? is proving to be a real up and down affair. After a disappointing first episode and and brilliant second episode this third instalment feels a little... more
TV Review: Amandaland, Episode Three, BBC One
Well this has certainly got the chattering classes chattering. There was even a feature in the Times this week about how East Dulwich – not a Veja trainer's throw from where I live – is the real-life... more
TV Review, Am I Being Unreasonable?, Series Two, Episode Two, BBC One
OK, I take it all back. After last week's opening episode of the second series which barely made any narrative sense to me this distinctive series is very much back on track in the second episode,... more
Live Review: Komedia New Comedy Award, Komedia, Brighton
This year's Komedia New Comedy Award final got off to a great start. I was one of the judges and when I arrived our table was groaning with chicken pieces, halloumi fries, chips. Definitely how to... more
TV Review: Amandaland, Episode Two, BBC One
You can tell a comedy series has taken off when people who don't usually discuss sitcoms are discussing it. For the last week I've been on a bit of a loop repeatedly meeting people who have told me... more
TV Review: Amandaland, BBC One
I was reading recenty that there was a TV sitcom crisis, that broadcasters weren't making sitcoms any more. Well you could've fooled me. Channel 4 has Big Boys returning later this week and tonight... more
TV Review, Am I Being Unreasonable?, Series Two, BBC One
If you enjoyed the first series of Am I Being Unreasonable written by and starring Daisy May Cooper and Selin Hizli you will probably really be looking forward to this second series. I... more
Theatre Review: Second Best, Riverside Studios
Life is as much about near misses as it is about direct hits. The ball that nearly crosses the line, the love of your life that was late for a date and you went home alone. Second Best is the story... more
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