
Update 23/8/17: This is a review of an early version of John Robins' Edinburgh Fringe show that has been nominated for a Edinburgh Comedy Award for Best Show. See nominees... more
I find Adam Hess extremely funny but I wonder if he needs help. Maybe of the therapy kind or maybe of the directorial kind. Or maybe both. He is the kind of nerdy, neurotic comedian who cracks... more
If you are a comedian with a posh background I guess you can either attempt to hide it or embrace it. For a while Jack Whitehall tried on other personae onstage. I saw him in a Stewart Lee phase and... more
The second day of comedy at Latitude was headlined by Reginald D Hunter. A month ago he broke his leg and since then he has been performing in a wheelchair. "I celebrated 20 years of being in... more
I've seen Brennan Reece four or five times now and I'm still not sure if he is gay or straight. He is certainly camp but not overtly so. Although maybe the waspish aside that he likes putting... more
Susan Calman revealed at the start of her set that she has recently bought a large property. After Trump was elected she thought she might as well go out in style: "If we are going to die we... more
It was pretty much par for the course that the first gag I heard on arrival at this year's Latitude 2017 was Chris Ramsey talking about his fear of having to wipe baby pooh off the TV remote. And of... more
Let’s hope Nigel Farage doesn’t watch Live from the BBC or he might spontaneously combust when he sees Josie Long’s set. For those that are convinced that the BBC is run by a secret cabal of card-... more
Is the world ready for an Anglo-Asian David Brent? That feels like the premise of this new online series starring Humza Arshad as hapless reporter Ahmed Armstrong, who works for local -... more
I’ve usually found Vic Reeves to be a pretty elusive interviewee, always opting for a gag when you want some insight, but he was unusually open in this interview with actor/director Tony Pitts about... more
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