
I have a confession to make. I'd slightly gone off Uncle this time round, which is why my reviews have been running late. Watching it – previously so much fun – had started to feel like a chore and I... more
Heydon Prowse and Jolyon Rubinstein take some pretty good swipes at the state of the nation in the third episode of their latest series. The sketch that is likely to ruffle the most feathers is the... more
There is lots going on in the third episode of the final series of Uncle. Things seem to be looking up for the music career of Andy (Nick Helm). After producing a recording session for newcomer... more
It’s good to have Chewing Gum back. It’s very different to any other series I’ve seen recently, while at the same time it has echoes of the BBC hit Fleabag, which it preceded. If that programme was... more
This is just a quick heads up to remind people to watch the third series of Uncle, which looks like it is going to build to a nice – or maybe not so nice? – romantic finale in a few weeks.In the... more
If you have room for just one more panto make it Ricky Whittington & His Cat. The new spin on an old story by Liam Williams and Daran Johnson has everything you could want from a modern grown-up... more
The third and final series of Uncle kicks off with a slice of emotional turmoil for Andy (Nick Helm). We all know that he has a nephew, Errol, but could he be a father too? The first episode finds... more
I first saw Yasmina Reza's three-handed Art about fifteen years ago. It had been running for a few years and a number of comedians had been parachuted into the cast to give the box office a boost. I... more
The Piccadilly Comedy Club New Comedian of the Year final has become a pretty good talent-spotter in recent years. Rising star Sofie Hagen was a previous finalist and last year’s winner, Eshaan Akbar... more
Following a one-off on Shakespeare earlier this year Philomena Cunk returns with a seasonal sequel exploring the meaning and traditions of Christmas. It's an important time of the year, she tells us... more
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