
It has taken me a while to get round to writing about the fifth episode of Fleabag. I don’t know what the journalistic equivalent of being speechless is but that’s how I felt after watching it. It’s... more
Reviewed by Claire Smith.With a blast of rock music Robertson, smartly suited, long white hair flying, strides onto the stage to take possession of the space.It’s a small room, Stand 2, a small round... more
Reviewed by Claire Smith. “Check your privilege” is an expression you hear a lot these days. Fin Taylor has checked, and he’s very privileged indeed. Privately schooled, university educated and... more
Reviewed by Claire Smith. Australian comic storyteller Sarah Kendall creates landscapes and evokes atmospheres with such precision she makes everything seem vividly real. Shaken begins with... more
When you are as ancient as I am it is inevitable that you see new shows that remind you of old shows. With Beasts, however, you don’t have to look back too far. At times this sketch trio’s latest... more
Reviewed by Claire Smith.After playing his audience into the room with a violin solo Kieran Hodgson celebrates his obsessions in this brilliantly funny and skilful hour.   He’s written... more
Reviewed by Claire Smith.Something is going very right for Sofie Hagen. Last year’s Edinburgh Comedy Award Best Newcomer winner is still playing the Free Fringe but she’s filling this huge venue... more
Australian whirlwind Felicity Ward is relatively restrained this year. Last year’s show was about her problems with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and her fear of not getting to the toilet on time. This... more
Maybe you should ignore the picture that accompanies this review. Bridget Christie’s show was supposed to be about death, but after the Referendum she ripped up the script and wrote a new show. There... more
It is always interesting to see how a new comedian moves from doing short club sets to a full hour in Edinburgh for the first time. I was particularly intrigued by youthful Mancunian Brennan Reece... more
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