
This review first appeared in the Evening Standard here. Nina Conti returns to the Criterion Theatre for another run from September 7 - 17. Tickets here.Ventriloquism might not be hip but it is... more
This review first appeared in the Evening Standard here.If you require proof that stand-up can find humour in unlikely places look no further than Felicity Ward. In What If There Is No Toilet? the... more
We can’t all fit into the green room backstage at comedy gigs where stand-ups shoot the breeze and gossip about each other, but luckily there is always Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled. The latest series... more
As Bruce Springsteen might have said if he was writing about Mum it’s darkness on the edge of town this week. It’s an October morning, the sun has not risen and Cathy is mooching around, finding... more
I didn’t even know that Mock The Week was back last night. Or even that it had gone away. I must be watching too many reruns on Dave. But according to the BBC this was the first episode of the... more
This review first appeared in the Evening Standard here.This was an interesting gig in numerous ways. The venue was packed, but not with hardcore comedy fans. Several seats were filled by workers... more
News: More Comedians Added To Leicester Comedy Festival Including Russell Kane, Rosie Jones, Ahir Shah, Phil Wang and Stephen Bailey
This review first appeared in the Evening Standard here.Russell Kane has smartened up his act. The over-excited hair and youth TV T-shirts have been replaced by tidy locks and tight jackets. Kane is... more
This review first appeared in the Evening Standard here.Angela Barnes is a rising star of the comedy circuit who does what every aspiring stand-up dreams of doing. She puts the audience immediately... more
Well, this new topical comedy was certainly written up to the wire by Andy Hamilton and Guy Jenkin. Gags about Muhammed Ali, Mick Hucknall, Sports Direct, Harry Potter, John Major and Clinton getting... more
This review first appeared in the Evening Standard here.Where would Marcus Brigstocke be without issues? His last set explored his food addiction, this time it is a more wide-ranging mix of mid-life... more
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