This week marks a year on from when Covid hit comedy. There had been talk of the virus meaning that gigs might not happen but suddenly it became a reality. On March 11, 2020, I went to see Dave's Edinburgh Comedy Award Best Newcomer 2019, New York-based Catherine Cohen, at Bush Hall in West London – the first night of a sell-out run – and filed a review for the Evening Standard which you can read here. The review starts by saying that Cohen leaves you wanting more. She certainly did. The next day I received an email saying that the run had been postponed. Due to the possibilty of flights to America stopping Cohen had taken the difficult decision to return to New York. A week later it was shutdown UK.
Cohen has spent the last year putting her regular club Cabernet Cabaret online, recording her podcast Seek Treatment and has just published a book of poetry, God I Feel Modern Tonight: Poems from a Gal about Town. Hopefully she will return to the UK soon. In the meantime Beyond The Joke has interviewed Cohen and other Edinburgh Best Newcomers of 2019. 2020 should have been their big breakthrough year. Instead it meant a lot of time at home. We will be running these interviews daily to mark one year on...
How has the last year been for you?
LOL is it at all interesting to say it has been...extremely difficult? I miss performing so much I could simply pass away BUT I have really been able to appreciate spending time with my family and boyfriend. I feel very lucky and grateful that we’re all healthy and together <3
When was your last pre-Covid gig?
I was doing a run of my show The Twist? She’s Gorgeous at Bush Hall in London when I got the news that I had to fly back to NYC. I think it all became very REAL for us when acclaimed actor Tom Hanks revealed he had gotten covid, so I had to head to the airport in the middle of the night, and that was March 11! Ugh, It was such a dreamy show and I’m sad I had to cut the run short. I’ll def be back there as soon as it’s safe and possible !
How have you coped financially? (did you do any non-comedy work?)
It’s been tough, I’m lucky that I’ve still been able to do some voiceover work remotely so that has been a huge help.
Did you get much government/arts council etc financial support?
Do you feel comedy has been let down by government/arts council?
Yeah it’s really heartbreaking to watch artists have to leave NYC. It’s just not sustainable, we need to support actors, comedians, and artists of all kinds or NYC is going to lose what makes it so magical.
Is stand-up comedy art?
In it’s own twisted way, absolutely yes!
Were you planning to do Edinburgh Fringe 2020?
Yes it was going to be sooo chic. Alas...
Do you think there will be a Fringe in 2021 and if there is are you planning to do it?
I don’t think so? But what do I know, I’m randomly not a scientist
What are your thoughts about online gigs? Are they any substitute for 'the real thing'?
I’m super grateful for the online gigs I’ve done. In no way are they a substitute for “the real thing,” but it’s a wonderful way to feel less alone for a bit :) I’m addicted to having anything on my calendar at this point
Have you had Covid and if you have how are you now?
Luckily I have not had COVID
What about the future. Do you think the UK comedy scene has changed forever or do you think eventually it will go back to how it was?\
I don’t know if things will go back to the way they were, but I 100% believe we will all be performing live and hugging each other again soon, with a deep, newfound sense of appreciation for community and the irreplaceable energy that makes live performance so sacred. Okay I’m being so earnest in this but what can I say? The world-famous global pandemic has changed me!
Do you keep your drawers tidy and if not why not? (have you really been too busy to tidy them recently?)
I’m not tidy and I don’t have drawers (keep everything in large pile on my couch)
Follow Catherine Cohen on Twitter here.