The Hot Water Comedy Club is to stage a live try-out stand-up gig with an audience as lockdown measures start to ease.
The Liverpool-based club will be putting on the gig on April 16 at the The Auditorium, M&S Bank Arena, Kings Dock, L3 4FP. It will feature Paul Smith, Adam Rowe, Jamie Sutherland and Mick Ferry.
The club has also been streaming regular online shows which will still continue. They tweeted: "we are taking part in a singular non-socially distanced event at the M&S Bank arena, with testing before and after to show that hospitality is in fact as safe as anything else. All other events are unaffected and no tests/vaccine passports will ever be required."
Contrary to some reports is not part of any proposed vaccination passport programme. Fans will not be required to show certificates to be admitted to the gig.
Hot Water owner Paul Blair told the Guardian that the club was not and would never be part of the programme and added that the venue had received abuse on social media and emails from people accusing it of being part of a “medical apartheid...I’m trying to put out fires, even though we didn’t start them.”