Short Com has revealed the winner of the Short Com TV Sitcom Writing Competition for 2021. Legless written by Ian Sweeney and Alex Scott topped the scoring charts from the judges. Ian Sweeney made the final five for the second time in a row. His writing partner Alex Scott said this upon finding out of their win.
"This is fantastic news, we're both dead chuffed to have won the ShortCom TV Sitcom script writing competition. If the BBC Head of Comedy is reading this, we're all yours."
Coming in at second were NHS doctors Rahul Neelamkavil and Rohin Francis Off Legs. Third place went to the writing team of Kirstie McHugh, Adam Zeitoun, Dylan Thomson and Roger Jenisch for their script The Wonderfuls. Chloe Page came fourth with her script Amateurs and Sean Keeley in fifth with B-Negative.
All writers are included into the Short Com SHORT LIST and will have their scripts put forward to the industry. The writers from the top three scripts will be promoted on the script platform Ink Tip and Alex and Ian will receive a copy of Final Draft and BCG Pro Membership.
Just as the previous year. The quality of the short listed scripts were of a real high calibre that made it a tight contest.
The judges were Michelle Farr Scott of Ranga Bee Productions, Luke Mason from BBC Studios and the Short Com reading team Chris Aitken, Lee Hamilton and Declan Hill.
Short Com founder Chris Aitken would like to kindly thank the judges, reading team for their time and expertise. As well as all the entrants from the 2021 competition.
The competition will return in 2022 with submission dates to be announced.