Every year I go to the brilliant Laugharne Weekend arts festival in Wales and every year I miss David Quantick's quiz. It's traditionally one of the first events on Friday afternoon and almost impossible to get to from London without leaving so early you have to buy a train ticket that would cost more than a small house in Neath. I console myself by remembering that it is always over-subscribed anyway and even if I got there before kick-off I probably wouldn't get in.
Anyway, now I don't need to worry because I can stage my own Quantick's quiz in the comfort of my own living room thanks to his new book. In case you don't know David Quantick he's the brilliant comic mind who has worked on everything from the NME to Veep. Let's just say he knows his stuff.
The book is set out in classic chapter form with questions and rounds followed at the end of each chapter by the answers (personally I'd have liked all the answers right at the back of the book but that's just me). And I don't know about his Laugharne quiz but the questions here are a great mix of the easy and the fiendishly cryptic. I'll open it at random and give you an example...
Quiz #11 Round One, Songs from the movies - which movies contain these songs?
Daisy Bell (Bicycle built for two)*
24 Hour Party People Plastic Face Carnt Smile (White Out)**
I didn't have a clue about the first one though it was obvious and I kicked myelf hard once I checked the answer. And as for the second question, the answer is literally in the question.
There is lots more of this sort of thing over 244 pages. There are picture rounds and music rounds if you feel the need to jazz things up but really, the questions are enough without further fannying about.
It's all nicely accessible and perfect for quiz fans and people who fancy themselves as boffins of all kinds of pop culture and top quality literature. Or people whose brains are just receptacles for pointless trivia.
A couple of tips if you are going to work your way through the book and want to impress your friends. It helps if you are au fait with The Simpsons. David Quantick knows every nook and cranny of it.
Get your party started with Quantick's Quite Difficult Quiz Book or bung it in the bog and have some fun while you have a pooh. The choice is yours. If you are indecisive you can do both.
Buy Quantick's Quite Difficult Quiz Book here.
**24 Hour Party People of course you ninny,