Venues and Shows Shut Down Due to Covid

soho theatre new chair

A number of venues have taken the decision to shut down in the run-up to Christmas and will be rescheduling their shows.

Soho Theatre has announced that after their shows tonight (Friday) they willbe closing until January 4. "We’re gutted but currently looking at rescheduling what we can. We’re reaching out to bookers now. Thanks very much x"

Leicester Square Theatre is also closing for a while. Show & Tell, Bridget Christie's promoters tweeted: "Due to venue closure, for the safety of their staff and audiences, @BridgetChristie's shows tonight until Saturday at @lsqtheatre are POSTPONED. New dates to be announced shortly. Existing ticket holders have been emailed by Box Office. Tickets remain valid for the new dates."

Check with the venue about other upcoming shows.

And Jack Whitehall's short national tour with his mother and father has also been cut short: "Due to a member of the touring party testing positive with COVID on Wednesday, with regret, the remainder of this year’s shows are being rearranged for next Spring."



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