The people behind the K**t's song Boris Johnson Is Still A F**king C**t have issued the statement below following Mark Hoyle of Ladbaby's comments. Talking to the Official Charts, Hoyle said: “You never know with impending restrictions potentially coming into play from the government, and the constant discontent with Boris Johnson – there’s definitely a third song in the running should the guidelines change.” He didn't name it but it sounded like he was referring to the song about Boris Johnson by the K**ts. Hoyle added: “It takes a certain sort of person to download a song with that in the title, but you never know.”
The K**ts replied: "Regarding Mark Hoyle's comments that 'it takes a certain sort of person to download a song with that in the title', I agree with him wholeheartedly. It takes the sort of person that is prepared to look beyond the tepid diarrhoea that is pumped into people's consciousness via mainstream TV, radio and the tabloid newspapers. The sort of person that is prepared stand up for what they believe in and call out the government on their lies, cover-ups and corruption. The sort of person who can see that it was the Conservatives' politics of selfishness, misery and deprivation that caused this country to need foodbanks in the first place..."
Today sees the release of a final alternative version of the song, The Last Night Of The K**ts Mix. It will be available exclusively on Bandcamp from midday with an accompanying video appearing on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.
Boris Johnson Is STILL A F**king C**t is out now.