Stars Hit Back At Trolling During Richard Osman's House of Games

Supporters Hit Back At Trolling On Richard Osman's House of Games

The stars of this week's Richard Osman's House of Games have hit back following criticism of one of the competitors, Kemah Bob.

This week's programmes are special Champion of Champions edition featuring Angela Barnes, Kemah Bob, Beattie Edmondson and Ade Edmondson, but when the first show was broadcast Bob, who is a comedian from Houston, Texas, received negative criticism on Twitter about her voice. Some tweets also suggested she had interrupted others.

Barnes, who is a favourite to win, having won all five episodes when she first appeared on the show in 2020 and has received some criticism too, tweeted: "People really need to learn that when they reply to a tweet, all the people mentioned in the original post are tagged in. Either they don't realise or a lot of people that watch teatime quiz shows are real assholes that think their shitty opinions of us need to be seen by us..."

Beattie Edmondson also showed her support for Bob replying to Barnes' tweet with: "Couldn’t agree more. What the fuck guys??"

Bob herself responded to the attack on Twitter: "really unfortunate to receive abuse when I should be celebrating what a wonderful time I had with Richard, Angela, Ade and Beattie."

Host Richard Osman replied: "Urghh, sorry Kemah. If it's any consolation the ratings were through the roof last night, so Britain loves you."

After the initial tweets there was also plenty of support from viewers for Bob, who later added: "Thank you to everyone who’s outpoured LOVE after yesterday’s show! I appreciate your warmth and kindness We must choose love over hate and fear always. I’m off to a no tech silent meditation retreat for 2 weeks and look forward to creating and sharing more beautiful moments on the other side."

Richard Osman's House of Games, weekdays, 6pm, BBC Two.

Picture: BBC/Remarkable



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