Entries are now open for the Amused Moose Comedy Awards 2022.
Previous winners include Tony Law who won the shiny moose trophy in 2011, Marcel Lucont who did in 2012 and Celia Pacquola who won 2014's is flying high in Australia too. Chris Turner (People's Champion 2015) was invited to appear in the Montreux Comedy Festival.
Janine Harouni's award winning show in 2019, was not only showcased at Soho Theatre, but went on to do a run in New York. The Amused Moose Comedy Awards played such a part in getting things rolling for 2015's winner Richard Gadd, who went on to do three runs of "Waiting For Gaddot" at Soho Theatre before winning loads more awards in 2016 and is now busy in films. 2017's trophy was won by the splendid Kagools, and Tania Edwards won in 2018; both their shows were showcased at Soho Theatre as the highlight of the Amused Moose Comedy Awards showcase.
How it works:
Initially you film a preview of your full show and upload it (between now and if possible before 10 July) ahead of getting ready to head off to Edinburgh. Filming doesn't need to be at a professional standard nor be done using professional kit, although it is essential that you can be clearly heard and seen of course. Maybe film a number of previews, and upload the one you prefer to YouTube etc, probably password-protected.
Submit your entry including a link to the film of your show, ideally by 21 JULY, with 23.59 on SUNDAY 31 JULY as the absolute deadline which is the Sunday before the Edinburgh Fringe starts. The sooner you enter your show, the greater opportunity for most of the online panel to see the film of your show, simply because it won't be part of the last minute deluge.
Your filmed entry will be viewed online by a large number of comedy industry people, worldwide, not just in the UK. Therefore your show will be getting seen by people who can make things happen wherever they are, and include a large number who won't be able to come to the Edinburgh Fringe this year but who are eager to spot shows for their own festivals or tours etc.
These industry panellists (mostly producers, artistic directors, reviewers and promoters) are keen to watch online because it is talentscouting in a very concentrated way, and as all entries come in before the Fringe starts, being able to get ahead of the curve is hugely important to them. The sooner your show is entered the more awareness will be raised about it amongst these industry folk.
As soon as the Fringe starts, comedy industry panel who are in Edinburgh will start watching entrants' shows live.
Do check all details on www.amusedmoose.com/awards which includes the link to the entry form too. Entries close at 23.59 on Sunday 31 July.
There are a number of key entry criteria but the most important is that while shows can have almost any format (stand-up, sketch, mime, music, solo or multi-performer/comedians), the show must
- run on at least 18 dates during the Edinburgh Fringe (5 or more dates in each of the three main weeks) and
- be listed in the Comedy section of www.edfringe.com and
- be available in the Autumn for a showcase performance in London
- be performed by permanent resident/s of UK and ROI.
Other criteria are in the entry form link (above)
The Amused Moose Comedy Awards presentations will take place on the last days of the Fringe.
Go to www.amusedmoose.com/awards for all the information.