Free Speech Club Comedy Unleashed Goes On Tour

Free Speech Club Comedy Unleashed Goes On Tour

Update - although Martin Mor's picture is on the poster sent out to publicise this tour he is not playing this tour. Mor tweeted: "Just to be 100% clear; I am not booked, and have never been booked to perform on this show."

Having consistently sold out shows in London for the past four and a half years, COMEDY UNLEASHED takes to the road this autumn. This rich mix of top comedians, who share a belief that no one should be censored, are set to bring their refreshing brand of humour to audiences across the UK from September through to November, on a whistlestop tour.

From Glasgow, in the north, to Brighton, in the south, Sheffield, in the east, to Bath, in the west, the tour takes in fifteen venues, with a different line-up in each town.   What binds these performers together is their spirit of exploration and their determination to eschew all things predictable.  They do not simply follow the news agenda and add a few punchlines, nor do they kowtow to the censorial element that has overrun comtemporary comedy.   With these comedians, no subject is off limits.  If something is funny… it’s funny.  So, with two fingers firmly stuck up to those who wish to silence others, Comedy Unleashed has no fear of of exploring prejudices, contrarian views and hidden thoughts, and here they are on a mission to spread their comedy across the land.

It is a place for the intellectually curious and the open-minded among us, a place for freedom of expression and most of all a place for laughter.

The line ups include the searingly honest Reginald D Hunter, the incisive and refreshing Geoff Norcott, intersectional activist Titania McGrath, one of the UK’s foremost political satirists. Andrew Doyle,  the dark dry and hilarious Tania Edwards, raw and bold anti woke comedian Leo Kearse, Somalian born storyteller Prince Abdi, off beat Canadian surrealist Tony Law, San Franciscan provocateur Scott Capurro and many more.

Co-founder of Comedy Unleashed, Andrew Doyle says: “We set up Comedy Unleashed because we feel that the time is right for a new alternative comedy movement.  We book comics from all political backgrounds, or those who have no interest in politics at all.  Our key criteria is that they are talented and funny.  It never ceases to amaze me that this is considered in any way controversial.”

Click here for tour dates

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