What do your parents think of your job?
My parents are big fans of my day job - the stability, the steady pay check and the retirement savings plan. They’re less enthusiastic about me quitting my day job to pursue comedy full-time. I am lucky, and do have the support of my family, but we’re very close and they are risk-averse. If comedy was a sure thing they’d be all for it, but I think they worry a bit extra because I’m so far from all of them. They have been good sports when they’ve come to my shows, but I will never get used to telling dick jokes in front of my dad - it’s just not natural!
What’s the worst thing about being a comedian?
Being a comedian can be a lonely pursuit. You’re responsible for your performances even if you’re not in the mood, you work crazy hours and being on the road, spending nights in cheap hotels can be difficult. I actually feel quite lucky right now, because for the first time since starting comedy I have a great team around me, helping me prepare for Fringe and while untimately the success or failings of my show will fall on my shoulders, it’s nice to have some people who have done this before in my corner. Also dating can be hard because every man I date gets annoyed and assumes I will talk about him on stage - which I do.
I think you are very good at what you do (that’s why I’m asking these questions). What do you think of you?
I love this question! I should be humble but screw it. I wouldn’t have moved away from all of my friends and family and be going after a comedy career with everything I have if I didn’t back myself. I have spent a lot of my life feeling less-than and telling myself that I didn’t deserve particular opportunities, but that’s not how I feel. I know I’m good. I genuinely love comedy so much, and I know how to connect with people and make them laugh - that brings me great joy and shows me that I am meant to be doing this.
How much do you earn and how much would you like to earn?
I currently earn a decent salary and my comedy money but that’s about to change. I’m going full-time comedy and my comedy earnings will need to move from enough to pay the bills, to enough to live the life I want. I don’t need to be shopping at Chanel every day, but I wouldn’t be upset if I could. I want to make a good living as a full-time creative that’s the goal. How was that for not directly answering a question about money?
How important is luck in terms of career success – have you had lucky breaks?
I think luck absolutely plays a part in success, but if you are lucky enough to be presented with an opportunity, you still need to be prepared and ready for it. I have been lucky in a lot of ways from having a supportive family, growing up in Canada and being afforded opportunities that many others haven’t been. In terms of luck with my comedy career… I’m still waiting/hoping that I get some opportunities to shine.
Alan Davies has said that comedians fall into two categories - golfers and self-harmers. The former just get on with life, the latter are tortured artists. Which are you – or do you think you fit into third category?
I like to present myself as a golfer and play it cool but in reality, I’m an over-thinking, tortured artist. Unfortunately, I’m an over-thinker in all aspects of my life, so if you ever see me struggling just tell me I’m hilarious and beautiful and I’ll shake it off.
Who is your favourite person ever and why – not including family or friends or other comedians?
I recently met a woman who was in the audience of one of my shows. Her name was Viv, and she was an older, “happily widowed,” woman who said since her husband died she’s been living a life of pleasure. Her life consists of going to the opera, art galleries and comedy shows - she is an absolute legend and you better believe I had the crowd chanting her name by the end of the show!
Do you keep your drawers tidy and if not why not? (please think long and hard about this question, it's to settle an argument with my girlfriend. The future of our relationship could depend on your response).
I like to keep a clean, organized room. That being said, my room is a lot like me - looks put together until you look a little closer. Open my drawers and you’ll see it’s just chaos (organized chaos but still…). I do know what is in each drawer, but most drawers are bursting and are holding it together with just thoughts and prayers.
Kate Barron’s debut stand up show ‘Losing Myself’ is at the Just The Tonic – The Tron at 9pm from 4th – 28th August. For tickets to go www.edfringe.com
Kate Barron – picture credit – Swiss Chocolate Pictures
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