Rosie Holt comes to Edinburgh off the back of her viral video clips of dumb doubling down politicians that have been so convincing in their utter craven imbecility that they have bee taken for the real thing. The challenge is transferring that considerable success to the stage.
And in The Woman's Hour I'd suggest Holt is about 75% successful. When she replicates her Twitter characters – the central office script-spouting Tory, the cartoon lefty – there are plenty of laughs to be had in the comedy of wincemaking recognition. Holt is an experienced actor and has that marvellous gift of convincing you she is different people even when she basically looks the same. Most of the costume changes are very quick and simple indeed. Blue power suit for Tory, whip the jacket off for someone else. If a hidden trouser leg rolls down just make a joke out if it.
It's when Holt tries to flesh out the bits between the thumbnails that things come a little unstuck. There's a back story involving a phone chat with her mother, some non-fuzzy business involving Putin, sometimes it is not clear whether we are watching Holt in or out of character. And one of her newer creations is a sultry French woman who seems to have drifted in via 'Allo 'Alllo rather than ze left bank.
But there is lots of fun to be had watching Holt's right wingers and woke-whacking shock jocks tie themselves in knots or her socialists wanting to say the right thing but scared of getting it wrong. And her gobbledegook spouting Russell Brand conspiracy theorist is so daft it has an appeal all of its own.
A routine with a hapless Liz Truss being interviewed by Robert Peston is a highlight but maybe too close to the truth to be funny. Holt certainly has the performing chops, if the writing chops improve she could be a real satirical force onstage as well as on tiny screens on the bus on the way to work.
Rosie Holt, The Woman's Hour, Pleasance Courtyrd until August 29. Buy tickets here.
three stars