James Acaster is set to release some music and is also launching a new true crime podcast. He announced the details in his newsletter:
“I spent most of the lockdowns of 2020/21 working on music in my flat and am delighted to announce that no,no by Temps will be released on 04/11/22. The track features; Quelle Chris, Xenia Rubinos, NNAMDÏ, Shamir, John Dieterich, Joana Gomila, Laia Vallès and Seb Rochford. It’s the first single from a bigger project and we’ll be putting out a music video to accompany it (filmed by the fantastic Turtle Canyon).
The Temps bandcamp page can be found here: https://tempsmusic.bandcamp.com/track/no-no
This is the first release of many and I can’t wait for you to hear everything we’ve been working on.
And on Tuesday 1st November, at 10am, I'm launching a Kickstarter for my new comedy podcast SPRINGLEAF (www.springleafpodcast.com)
It's a true crime podcast, using undercover cop Pat Springleaf's wire recordings to blow apart the biggest case he ever worked on. It's a ten-part, limited series, scripted audio comedy and it is something I've wanted to make for absolutely years.
We've decided to go the independent route to fund it, because we want to have complete creative control and want to make it available for everyone to listen to, not stuck behind a paywall. However, it turns out making scripted comedy is not as cheap as I thought it would be - and we want everyone involved to be paid fairly - hence the Kickstarter.
We've come up with some pretty sweet rewards at a range of price levels, things like:
- Exclusive video downloads
- Backer exclusive mini-episode
- Tickets for online events, in-person gigs and the launch party
- Badges, signed postcards and stickers
- Signed scripts
- Personalised video messages from James
Some of these rewards are limited edition, and there's limited early-bird pricing too - to get in first, you can follow the Kickstarter page now to be notified the second it launches on Tuesday.
You can also follow @springleafpod on Twitter and Instagram for campaign updates. And if you'd like to support this but money is tight at the moment, then we'd also really appreciate any retweets/re-grams/general spreading the word - it's all-or-nothing funding, so if we don't hit the target by the end of November, we can't make the series. Which, I think you'll agree, would be a real shame.
A note from my producer: We've had someone generously offer to sponsor ten Tier 1 Springleaf rewards for anyone who would like to support the campaign, but isn't able to commit the cash. If that sounds like you, drop us an email at info@springleafpodcast.com - no need to justify your financial situation or anything, just express your interest. We'll randomly choose ten people from all those who ask.”
Acaster also confirmed that his recent book, James Acaster's Guide to Quitting Social Media, is to be available in the USA and Canada. Links to pre-order it are below.