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News: Comedian Speaks Out About Anorexia

Dave Chawner

Comedian Dave Chawner has given a frank and lengthy interview to the BBC about his long-running battle with anorexia. The 24-year-old has suffered from the condition since he was a teenager and wanted to overcome the taboos of men talking about eating disorders

In the interview Chawner, who also discusssed the subject in his 2013 Edinburgh show, explains that he finally looked for help three months ago. He talks honestly about the feeling of control he had over his body when he refused to eat: “It was almost like an ascetic feeling,” he says. But it was a confusing period. He would also binge when not fasting and just wanted to have a normal attitude to food: “I was really jealous of people that could eat….I wanted to eat so badly.”

Sometimes he would go without food completely for 24 hours but usually he would restrict himself to something like two apples and a banana a day. In his mind he started to associate losing weight with being successful. “I remember just thinking if I can lose x amount of pounds I can do anything...get into university…get a job.”

He says he never felt anorexic enough to seek help and had refused treatement four times until earlier this year. As a result he now has kidney and heart problems and brittle bones, which cannot be cured. “That’s why intervention is key.”

Watch the interview here. For more info and help about eating disorders go here.


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