Listings Information
Ticket links here
Fri 07.04.2023 Birmingham Glee (Studio)
Sat 08.04.2023 Salford Lowry (Studio)
Thu 20.04.2023 Bristol Hen & Chicken
Fri 12.05.2023 Crawley Hawth
Thu 18.05.2023 Brighton Komedia (Studio)
Thu 25.05.2023 London Leicester Square Theatre
Thu 01.06.2023 Glasgow The Stand
Sat 03.05.2023 Edinburgh The Stand
Sun 04.06.2023 Newcastle The Stand
Thu 15.06.2023 Maidenhead Norden Farm
Sat 08.07.2023 Leeds The Wardrobe
Sooz Kempner picture: Steve Ullathorne