Winner Of £100,000 OnlyFans Comedy Creative Fund Prize Revealed

Winner Of £100,000 OnlyFans Comedy Creative Fund Prize Revealed
Mary O'Connell has won the Onlyfans Creative Fund: Comedy Edition prize from subscription social platform OnlyFans. She wins £100,000 – the biggest cash prize in comedy.
O'Connell is a 28-year-old black woman from North London (Manor House) who is keen to raise awareness of the struggle people from her background face trying to break into comedy.

Comedians from the UK and Ireland sent in clips and had their talents judged by comedians London Hughes, Jamali Maddix and Mae Martin. The finalists appeared in an OFTV series with comedian Sofie Hagen advising them during the competition.  

OFTV. is OnlyFans’ free-to-view streaming platform and app, O'Connell won £100,000 cash and a surprise experience, with runner-up prizes of £25,000 each for second and third places. 

“I’m thrilled that OnlyFans have created this format to champion new comedy talent, and I can’t wait to watch all the submissions. The prize money is going to help some new original talent create more art for all of us to enjoy and I’m excited to be a part of it!” explained Mae Martin on their participation. 

“The OnlyFans Creative Fund is part of our broader community initiatives and investment strategy.  By supporting emerging talent on OnlyFans and OFTV, we provide creators with a platform to grow their global fanbase and monetise their content. OnlyFans continues to provide all creators with a real alternative to sharing their original creative content for free on other platforms.” said Keily Blair, Chief Strategy & Operations Officer. 

OnlyFans established the Creative Fund in 2021 to help the careers of emerging creative talent in different genres. OnlyFans prides itself on the platform's unwavering commitment to support creators across a range of verticals. This is the third iteration of the fund since launching in 2021 during the pandemic as a way to support creators and marks the competition’s return to the UK, where it launched focusing on the Music sector. The most recent iteration, Creative Fund: Fashion Edition, ran in the US earlier this year. OnlyFans continues to invest into the Creative Fund as part of its mission to empower creators and provide unparalleled opportunities to its community.  

The other finalists were:

Hasan Al-Habib
Martin Graham
Zoe Brownstone
Maddie Houlbrook-Walk
Joe Bingham
Steph Bradshaw
Graham Francis
Dom McGovern
Zahra Barri

Watch the final here.



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