Sara Pascoe is the latest guest on Kathy Burke's podcast When There's A Will There's A Wake.
The two share an in-depth talk about how Sara would plan her death, which leads on to a hilarious story about how her childhood pet had died
Below is an extract from their conversation.
Sara: We had a cat run over; it was after our dad didn't live with us. He picked us up from school and he brought the cat in a bin bag.
Kathy: What?
Sara: So that we wouldn't see it in the road, he put it in a bin bag. Then he bought it and he got us all a lemon ice from the ice cream man outside of school, and obviously that was amazing. So, he waited until we were licking the lemon ices and then went ‘cats dead, cat got run over’.
It's odd, isn't it? Because as a child that death is the first time […] Then I guess for some parents, they're not going to empathize with a hamster, whereas to you, they're a person.
Kathy: That's it, but I like the way he tried to soften the blow by getting you the lemon ice.
Sara: Well, he did the same thing when our granddad died; he got us all a cake, the cream cake. Again, it's that thing of you've got food in your mouth that you don't want all of a sudden. Our granddad had cancer, so we knew it was near, and he got us all these amazing strawberry with cream on a little tartlet and waited until we had all bitten in and then ‘Ah, granddads died’. Stop doing this to us, because I think he thinks that children are like, ‘oh I’ve still got a cake’ and then cheer you up again.
Kathy: I mean, I'd be terrified if he was my dad. You know, ‘oh, I've got you some lollies’. You'd be like fuck, who’s gone?
Listen to the full podcast here.