Guz Khan and Gaz Coombes Read CBeebies Bedtime Stories for Father’s Day Weekend

Guz Khan and Gaz Coombes Read CBeebies Bedtime Stories for Father’s Day Weekend

This weekend, comedian Guz Khan takes to story corner to read a CBeebies Bedtime Story about a child's love for his father… and his beard.

On Saturday 17 June, Guz reads My Dad’s Beard, written by Zanib Mian and illustrated by Laura Ewing.

Guz says: “It was fantastic entering the twinkly world of CBeebies Bedtime Stories. It’s not every day that you get asked to put a tiny cat in your beard! I read to my kids every night and can’t wait to see their faces when they watch me read a CBeebies Bedtime Story on TV. Life goal!”

On Father’s Day, Sunday 18 June, musician Gaz Coombes reads Meesha Makes Friends by Tom Percival. It’s the story of young girl who finds it hard to connect with other children, but she discovers a special talent that will help her to navigate challenging social situations and help her to make friends.

Gaz says: “I’ve always wanted to do this. My kids, Raya and Tiger, are super impressed I’m on CBeebies Bedtime Stories for Father’s Day! I loved reading Meesha Makes Friends. As a father of an autistic daughter this story resonates with us as a family, how hard it can be to make friends but to never give up. I see a lot of both my girls in Meesha, their bravery to just give it a go even if it feels a bit scary. Always have faith there’s a friend around the corner.”

CBeebies Bedtime Story is on each weekday at 6.50pm on CBeebies and BBC iPlayer.


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