The Jonathan Ross Show Guests This Week

Jonathan Ross Show Guests This Week

The Jonathan Ross Show is back for a brand new series. Guests in the first show include comedian and actor Jack Whitehall, award-winning actor and writer Cush Jumbo OBE, YouTuber turned boxer and entrepreneur KSI, plus multi-platinum selling singer Paloma Faith, who is about to release her sixth album.

I'm sure there was a time when the return of The Jonathan Ross Show was a big deal, but - maybe I missed the memo? – I only spotted that this was on when I checked tonight's TV guide. It's a good night for comedians with Whitehall on this show following the super-sharp Lee Mack fronting a new series of the very enjoyable 1% Club.

I've noticed that some people hate chat shows but I've written before about how much I enjoy them. Yes, I know people are on to plug their latest product, yes I know that the anecdotes are not always as spontaneous as they might seem. But when the chemistry works between the guests and the hosts these shows can also be great entertainment.

Ross, of course, is inevitably judged against Graham Norton, who has his old Friday night BBC slot and the general consensus seems to be that Norton gets the bigger Hollywood guests. But Ross still has his moments.

I saw a great clip yesterday from comedian Eleanor Morton sending up the way that Hollywood guests have to make out they are enjoying an anecdote from a British comic they've never heard of about 'Spoons and cheeky Nandos when they haven't got a clue what the comedian is talking about and sometimes don't even understand the accent. Watch it here. I did wonder what US comic Wanda Sykes made of Lorraine Kelly on Graham Norton last night.

Anyway, there should be no such problems in the first show in the Ross series. The UK-based line-up means that everyone should know everyone and have a good old chat. Paloma Faith is always good value - I met her once and she said I looked like Andy Serkis, so needless to say I'm a big fan.

The Jonathan Ross Show, Saturdays, 9.50pm, ITV1

Picture: ITV1


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