Alex Horne has ticked off everything on his to-do list: Greg Davies’ suit has been washed, pressed and kissed; his throne has been re-sprung according to strict specifications, and that iconic golden trophy has been carefully polished with a fine-bristled toothbrush. Everything is ready for a brand-new series of the award winning and international hit show. Taskmaster series 17 launches at 9pm, Thursday 28th March on Channel 4.
Joanne McNally, John Robins, Nick Mohammed, Sophie Willan and Steve Pemberton are the formidable five hoping to pass the Taskmaster’s muster with their attempts to hunt for patatas, hoopla a gorilla and hug a special friend.
Across ten episodes, Greg will, as is his wont, rely on his efficient assistant, Little Alex Horne, to be timing, noting, recording, measuring and nodding along to all the Task activities not only at the Taskmaster House, but also by picturesque rivers and on big fields patrolled by aggressive flatulent wild horses.
Elsewhere, for the first time ever Taskmaster is entering the world of virtual reality with the brand-new upcoming virtual reality game, Taskmaster VR. Published by Scallywag Arcade, a Draw & Code studio, Taskmaster VR is set to launch later this year for Meta Quest and SteamVR.
Taskmaster series 17 airs weekly from 9pm, Thursday 28th March 2024