It’s no secret that Joe Lycett adores Brum, but his hometown is having a tough time of it. In his self-appointed role as the second city’s ambassador and with the blessing of the actual Lord Mayor of Birmingham, everyone’s favourite comedy activist is on a mission to put Birmingham firmly back on the map – in fact, all over the map.
To do that, Joe is heading to North America, the global destination for multiple Brums, home to no fewer than eighteen Birminghams, stretching from Canada’s Saskatchewan province, down the East Coast, through the Midwest and into the Deep South. Joe will explore their history, their collective Brummie cultural commonalities and form official 'Friendship Agreements' with as many US Birminghams as he can. As the climax of the series, Joe will invite some of his new Brummie chums back to his own Birmingham for what will doubtless become an annually bostin global event – the International Day of Birmingham.
Joe Lycett commented: “I am delighted to be making this show for Sky which will finally secure me enough money to move to London.”