What do you get if you cross a childhood guessing game involving flipping tiles, a comedy séance, and a saucy TikTok comedian? The answer is a bit of a messy hour of ramshackle whowazzit and innuendo, more suited to the late night slot our host is accustomed to than the early afternoon he is currently in. But with the windows blacked out and the wet bar at the back declared open, plus bottles of ‘Holy Water’ liberally scattered throughout the seating, the scene is set.
The premise is that our host ‘Mystic Smeg’ has some mystery ashes found in his late sex worker Grandma’s pantry and wants to auction them off for much moolah on eBay. We have been recruited to discover who the ashes belong to, by way of solving the clues dropped from a variety of set pieces involving audience volunteers and loads of props, ranging from a purple rubber phallus to a variety of musical instruments. The piece de resistance of these props are the clever plastic tile sets with faces of deceased celebrities on them, ready to be flipped down bingo-style once eliminated from our investigations. Sometimes the clues are unclear, but fortunately there was a round-up at the end, delivering the dopamine hit of finding the correct deceased.
Guess Boo? is at times confusing, convoluted, and seedy, but also perversely it can be endearing and engaging. Sitting nicely alongside the bottomless brunches and drag afternoons of the Fringe weekend there’s a raucous anarchy and sexual liberation in Mystic Smeg’s puns and light harassment. Guess Boo? has a party-vibe that although not slick straps us in for a rickety ghost train ride of inventiveness and fun-filled ingenuity.
Also June 1 & 2. Tickets and info here.