News: Dapper Laughs Makes Sitcom Pilot

Dapper Laughs

Dapper Laughs has released a sitcom pilot online. The four-minute film is his latest attempt to bring back the character that came under such fierce media scrutiny in 2014 that at one point he appeared on Newsnight and said that "It was great at the beginning, but it has completely ruined everything for me as a comedian."

In the film Dapper tries to straddle the line between sending himself up, reinventing himself and being an sexually brazen as ever. He is first seen bursting into a meeting like a latterday Fonz and having his bad reviews read out to him. 

His bearded, shell-suited advisor tries to give him some tips on being more tatseful, but the catchphrases "she knows" and "proper moist" are hard to shake off, even if delivered with what appears to be a little more irony than before. "Leave the vaginas out of it," he is advised.

The film is credited to writers Ben Adams and Dan O'Reilly, which is Dapper Laughs' real name. It is made by Broken Toaster Films.

Watch the video here.


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