Comedian Gavin Webster Pays Tribute To Double Act Partner Eric Scarboro

Comedian Gavin Wesbter Pays Tribute To Double Act Partner Eric Scarboro
Gavin Webster has posted the following on Facebook today and has given Beyond The Joke permission to publish it and run the picture.
"I found out last night that my old friend and comedy double act partner Eric Scarboro had passed away last Friday.
It's still feels very surreal I was only talking to him two weeks ago, he had rang me about a book he'd written.
He was the most influential person in my life. We met in 1988 in a horrible factory making industrial pallets, he was a welder and I was working on the shop floor going nowhere. He encouraged me to go to Uni to study as a mature student and then a few years later he dragged me up on stage against my will to do a double act called Scarboro and Thick (morecambe and wise do you get it?!).
We limped on for a few gigs then he opened a comedy club in Gateshead at The Barley Mow called Reckless Erics in early 1993 where the first bill was Eric compering, Steffen Peddie, myself, Ross Noble and Tony Mendoza closed. It was the first solo gig I ever did as a stand up.
He drifted out of comedy not long after and got into wrestling promotion but came back to comedy now and again. He'd been living in Edinburgh for a few years and seemed to be really content. I spent a couple of happy days with him at the fringe last year and we had a great time.
A real character, a one off, I had some fine laughs with him and great times.
Sympathies with his family right now especially his two sons Shaun and Kris who are great lads. We won't forget your Dad.
Les Stewart aka Eric Scarboro 1956-2024 RIP
Fly high Les"
After Webster broke the news other comedians also shared their memories. Simon Donald wrote: "This is a shock. Sorry to hear he’s gone. A real ‘face’ on the comedy scene."
Davey Johns wrote: "That is very sad news indeed gav. he came down the comedy cafe with you a few times in the early days . Sad news indeed mate"
Paul Tonkinson added: "Sorry to hear that. Just great that you met him and he saw something in you that you could barely see yourself. X"
Mark Jackson wrote: "I can remember working with you and Eric a few times Gav and I think you had a drink at my old house in Barnsley. A funny and nice guy. RIP Les Stewart aka Eric Scarboro."
Brendan Riley wrote: "Lovely guy, stayed at our house when he was gigging in Liverpool, so sad to see this but thanks for letting us know xx"
Scottish comedian Vladimir McTavish also remembered Scarboro: "Oh my God. That's awful news and really shocking. He was a good guy and great company. He used to run some lovely gigs back in the day. Like you Gavin Webster I have really fond memories of those early days in Newcastle. Scarboro & Thick were regulars atThe Crack Club at the Cumberland. Eric also reached the final of So You Think You're Funny at the 1994 Fringe, when Ed Byrne had been knocked out in the heats !! I saw a fair bit of him up here in Edinburgh in recent years. A sad loss. My thoughts go out to Sylvia and his boys. Sleep well, Les" 


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