Daniel Kitson will be doing a London run of his latest show Collaborator. It is billed as a work in progress.
BTJ saw an early version of the show at the Edinburgh fringe last year and while critics have been asked not to review it we can say it is one of his most mischievously self-referential and inventive yet.
The run will be at the Albany in Deptford from Monday July 15 to Friday August 3.
The blurb on the website quotes Kitson:
"I dislike audience participation.
I think It’s creatively bankrupt, ethically questionable and if I see it mentioned in the blurb for a show, I will not attend due to moral objections and/or personal discomfort.
I’ve written something about that and it’s got just over 200 parts.
Collaborator was conceived specifically to be performed in the round and is re-written a bit for each particular venue. This will be the 14th staging and something like the 27th rewrite, and it’s actually getting quite good now. "
Buy tickets here.
Picture ©brucedessau from an earlier show at the Edinburgh Fringe.