Interview: Rarely Asked Questions: Zach Zucker: Page 2 of 2

Interview: Rarely Asked Questions: Zach Zucker/Jack Tucker

What do your parents/children (delete as applicable) think of your job?

My children are extremely proud of me and think my job is very impressive (and cool). I like to keep my family life very private but I have two sons. They’re not as funny as I am because I’m a professional and they’re just children but they always like to joke around and constantly make me laugh. I’d love to share the stage with them in our lives the same way LeBron James and his son Bronny James are both on the Lakers. Zucker Comedy Basketball Dynasty!! 


What’s the worst thing about being a comedian?

It’s really hard to stick to a routine on the road which makes it hard to create healthy habits. When I’m in a city for a few weeks it’s a bit easier to get back into a nice routine of exercising, eating, and sleeping right, but it’s really easy for your body to breakdown and become a zombie. Unless you’re rich, there aren’t a lot of ways to combat it other than supreme discipline which is a bummer (because that’s hard and requires a lot of work). Another worst thing is always having to say goodbye to people. I’m beyond lucky and blessed to have amazing friends and people who welcome me with open arms all over the world, but every time you’re somewhere, there are a bunch of other places that you aren’t.


I think you are very good at what you do (that’s why I’m asking these questions). What do you think of you?

Damn Bruce you’re really bringin’ the heat with these questions! Respect. It really depends on how I’m feeling and what I’ve got going on. I’m trying to be better at being kind to myself and loving who I am, where I’m at, and what I do, but it’s a lifelong battle. I’m very grateful to be surrounded by so many wonderful, loving, super-talented individuals in all areas of my life and I’m lucky I get to lean on them when I’m not feeling myself. But overall I think I do pretty decent job following what I believe to be the funniest, most exciting, most alive artistic choice I can possibly make at every moment and see how far it goes. I’m not saying I do that every time (I don’t know if anyone does) but I try my best to have as much fun as I can with the people in the room and try to get us all on the same page so we can let go and laugh for 90-120 minutes.  


How much do you earn and how much would you like to earn?

Daaaaamn Bruce you really tryna make me look like a punk ass bitch on the internet! You know I don’t make enough money to be telling anybody about that!!! I’m 31, I’ve got no savings, I own no property, obviously I listened to one of my stupid buddies and invested in crypto at the wrong time during the pandemic, and of couuurse I have lots of credit cards that are constantly being used to pay off other credit cards — credit cards that I’ve found on the tube or in the bathrooms of hip nightclubs. Bruce. I’m a clown. I’m broke. I barely make $900,000,000 a year!! 


How important is luck in terms of career success – have you had lucky breaks?

Oh hell yeah it’s a huge part of it. But that’s rarely the only reason something happens. There are ways to use luck to your advantages, the same way you can blow an opportunity (also known as bad luck) but the most important thing is how you prepare before that moment arrises. This business is all about finding ways to shift and harness all of these tectonic plates — bookers, buyers, network execs, casting directors, the general public, online audiences — and get them all to look at you in just the right way where you create an opportunity for yourself. And it’s in that moment, the light gets shined on you and we get to see who you really are - and if you’re ready for it, you’ll seize that opportunity, and if you aren’t ready for it, you’ll learn an important lesson (ideally not the same ones over and over) and prepare yourself for that next opportunity. 

But beyond that, I am the luckiest man alive with all of the recent allegations brewing… all of these women have started coming forward saying, “I’m their favourite comedian and deserve to be loved and cherished at all costs” ????? These women are liars!!! I am a guy’s guy. A real brute comic for men who love manly things. Man things like going bowling when it’s not their friends birthdays, only eating dried fruit or frozen fruit- never fresh, or being totally cool with the ketchup from your burger or sauce from your pizza touch your salad and be fine with the mix of flavors. 


Alan Davies has said that comedians fall into two categories - golfers and self-harmers. The former just get on with life, the latter are tortured artists. Which are you – or do you think you fit into third category?

It’s so cringe to call yourself a tortured artist but I’m super cringe so we both know where this one is going. I’m thinking about it all day every day. I love it. I love performing, I love creating, I love dancing, I love dreaming and thinking of new ideas or shows to create, other ways we can keep growing and evolving as artists to keep making a name for ourselves as people who bring exciting shows around the world. I’m sure this is very hard to believe but I have a difficult time sitting still or having downtime. I love to be on the go at all times but most of all, I love to make people laugh. It’s really the best feeling in the world, way cooler than any of the ~perks~ you might think come along with this life. 


Who is your favourite person ever and why – not including family or friends or other comedians?

Really cutting my legs out from under me here. Who else could I possibly even know besides my family or friends or other comedians that would be my favorite person EVER (and why?) !?! I guess I’ll go for American baseball player and Hall Of Fame shortstop for the New York Yankees, Derek Jeter. He was my role model growing up. He was the captain of one of the greatest sports dynasties in the world and I used to idolize him. I might also say ATL-icon, trap house superstar, american rap artists Radric Davis aka Gucci Mane. Gucci Mane has been through it all — he’s been in and out of prison, been at the top of the industry, written off by those same people, pushed out from society, and continued to keep fighting and work his way back to the acclaim he deserves. He’s a pillar for his community and always champions up and coming Atlanta artists (which I draw a lot of inspiration from for Stamptown - editor's note, the anarchic cult variety show that he hosts) and has my favorite quote of all time which is on the bottom of our website, all of our newsletters, and the back of our Edinburgh programme brochure… “If you don’t got no sauce, you lost. But you could also get lost, in the sauce” 


Do you keep your drawers tidy and if not why not? (please think long and hard about this question, it's to settle an argument with my girlfriend. The future of our relationship could depend on your response).

Bruuuuce you can’t put this pressure on me!!! In my heart I’m a drawers clean type of guy but in practice I can’t lie to you and say my drawers aren’t messy. I’d like the record to show that the items in my house are half clown props/costumes and show equipment, mixed with whatever space is left for clothes, so I think the way I use my drawers is a bit different. That being said, I take immense pride in my packing abilities (as all good clowns do) and I’m really good at packing a pretty epic amount of stuff into all of my bags in a way that is surprisingly tactile and efficient. I hope this is exactly the answer both you and your girlfriend were looking for so that you can remain in love and grow together in life (editor's note, it is, thanks). 

Zach Zucker performs as Jack Tucker in Jack Tucker: Comedy Stand Up Hour until 27th July @ Soho Theatre




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